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Adoption, foster care, Children's WI, 10 things

10 things I would go back to tell myself as a new foster parent

  1. You will fall in love with every child who enters your home, and they will become a part of your family. They will take a chunk of your heart with you when they leave, but you will also find that your heart has grown tremendously by loving them.
  2. You will never be caught up on laundry. You just won’t, don’t even try.
  3. Biological parents are not your enemy. If you will try to love them as you do their child, and they will allow you to impact their life, you can not only help a child heal but also help a family heal.
  4. Don’t give up. When you feel overwhelmed, continue to put one foot in front of the other and walk it out. God will give you strength to do what He placed in your heart to do. You can handle so much more than you think you can.
  5. Accept help. When someone offers to give you clothing, or make you a meal, or provide respite care — let them! Not everyone can foster, but everyone can do something, so don’t rob someone else of what they can do.
  6. You will fall in love with every child who enters your home, but you may also fall in love with their family. Do not be surprised when you find that you have grown to love your child’s mother, or father or grandparent. Continue to be that support for them that they didn’t have prior to their child entering care. You could be a vital part of changing the trajectory of their life.
  7. Get to know other foster parents. They will be a great resource and support to you along this journey.
  8. It is a journey, not a sprint. Things will not happen overnight. It is a process
  9. Your child’s case will not go the way your friend’s child’s case went. There are so many variables in foster care and so many different people involved with each case. No two cases are exactly the same.
  10. Take time for yourself. Go out on date nights, go out by yourself, get a pedicure, go shopping, and go for coffee with your friends. You will need the time to recharge your batteries and you will be a better momma because of it.