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Adoption, foster care, Children's WI, teach you

What will life as a foster parent teach you?

I recently received a very timely reminder that all things I experience in life are valuable, and if I let them be influential. In this journey as a foster parent you will be faced with tough decisions or challenging information almost every day. It’s your choice whether to let this knock you down, keep you stuck, or shift your vision to, “what is this teaching me?”

Learning from life

I recently came across a blog that recognizes we don’t need the perfect list of “how to” or the perfect mentor to lead the way. Our lives teach us exactly what we need to learn at any given moment. The blog highlighted that life’s teachers may not look like we might imagine and at times may be teaching us what not to do. Either way, the circumstance is an opportunity to shift our lens from frustration to curiosity. Read the full blog, Your perfect teacher: Life.

I am the first to admit that this concept is much easier to practice in hindsight, but I am going to challenge myself to make it a part of my daily practice as well. With this as a small or mighty reminder I can only imagine that those I am working with- children, families, workers might be affected as well.

What will life as a foster parent teach you?